Sunday, June 24, 2007

Suturday June 24

It is Done!!
At 11:30am Joey left Orphanage Topolok for the last time. He is ours!
We had to provide a drive from home (45 km away) and back for the director to come in on a Saturday and she was kind of a snot-- but no matter--it's over!
We took him to eat at our cafe for lunch (borsht and bread) and then to drive the power wheels at the square (I wish I could upload the photos). Joey is facinaed with TV remote controls-- A fine young American already!
Max got back from dropping off the director at 2 and we headed to Donetsk for the train. We DID (withsome help from Peace Corps Katie) find the Mexican place, "Tequila BOOM!".. It was Great. Very authentic in everything but price (75 bucks for 4 of us) but a very nice splurge.
Joey had a bit of trouble falling aspeep on the train but we loved it. Such big eyes seeing everything for the first time. The sense of wonder was amazing.
We are now in Max's apartment for the nxt 2 days. We need to get out of here for the day so he can work on documents. I'll write more later as time permits.
Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers--- we have only the Embassy, Doctor and an airline ticket between us and home!!
JIm and Mary

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