Wednesday, May 23, 2007


We are "done-day" at the SDA. Things went great! We met with The Psychologist and  Tatiana the translator for about 20 minutes. We got our referral for going to the region to see Daniil. We politely asked if there was any way to speed up getting the paperwork done to travel to Slavansk a bit earlier. (we specifically said we do not want to bend the rules or ask for special treatment beyond what they would do for any disabled child but we need to get him home by late June for the educational assessment and doctors visits (his file says he has some slight cardiac involvement)). They agreed and the documents we need will be prepared by this afternoon (thank you SDA!). We were to train overnight tomorrow, but we are now thinking it may be better to fly tomorrow morning to give us an extra day to maybe save close to a week (If we can beat the 3 day holiday weekend this weekend Max can have everything turned in back here on Tuesday rather than Friday. Our next update will (hopefully be from the region)—


We will spend the rest of today getting some photos processed and lounging—we are packed on the crazy chance that we could actually get out of here today and get to see him—A very good day- Thanks for your prayers. They are working!


Jim and Mary---


Anonymous said...

YEah!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited.

Best wishes on your process!!

Love Lynn

Unknown said...

Just joining your blog - can't wait to read more about your trip. When we started our adoption journey we though it would be Ukraine, but God has led us to our daughter in Vladivostok Russia - it has been an exceedingly long journey but we are hoping to bring her home this summer.

Anonymous said...

That is so exciting!! Everything is going very well here. Matt's concert cool, and everyone is getting thier school work done.