Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Mary here:
Jim and I both had busy days today getting things ready for our departure.
My job today was to pick up the cash we needed. I ordered it Thursday, to be picked up today. I specified that we needed all crisp, clean, preferably new 100 dollar bills. They told me the only time they get brand new bills is at Christmas time. That is fine as long as they are all crisp and clean, no tears, folds, markings. I went to get it, and less than 1/10 is useable! I stopped at various other banks, and not one of them would change even 1 100 dollar bill for a "non-customer". So I went to a bank that we refinanced our home through last year. Waited for an hour for the woman who "sold" us the loan refinance, and told her what I needed. I had spoken to her on the phone a couple of months ago about this, so it was not new to her. She placed 1 phone call, and 10 minutes later told me to come back tomorrow after 10am and she would have all of the money I needed in brand new bills! We are changing all of our accounts to this bank. (Bank of America is the bank that helped, for those who want to know)

Tomorrow, there are just a few things left to do, and then Wednesday, we should be leaving!
I can't believe it is real.

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